This updated Advice provides information about increased mask wearing requirements across Victoria from 11.59pm on 14 July 2021. Unless an exemption applies, masks must be worn at all times indoors, and outdoors where it is not possible to maintain a physical distance of 1.5m.
The exemption that applied to an indoor space at a work premises that is “not ordinarily accessible to members of the public, unless that indoor space is being accessed by a member of the public”, has been removed.
This Advice was recently updated on 14 July to provide important information about the 75% (or 30 person) limit placed on people attending offices. We have sought clarification from the government on how this provision is intended to apply in offices that are part of a workplace that is predominantly involved in other activities, such as manufacturing, construction and distribution centres.
We are pleased to advise that the cap is no longer intended to apply to these environments and will only apply to stand alone office environments, including separate head office workplaces. Further detail is provided in the 14 July update below.
Wearing face masks:
• Masks must be worn indoors at all times unless an exemption applies; exemptions have been amended.
• Masks must be worn outdoors if a distance of 1.5m cannot be maintained.
Attending work:
• Offices continue to be limited to a maximum capacity of 75% or 30 people whichever is the greater. See 14 July update below for clarification on application.
• The density quotient has been amended to 1 person per 2 square metres, with some specific requirements for COVID-19 check-in Marshals in public facing venues.
Requirements for specific industries:
• There is no longer a requirement in the Workplace (Additional Industry Obligations) Directions for COVID-19 Marshals in meat, poultry and seafood processing facilities or in Melbourne in warehousing and distribution centres, supermarket work premises (excluding retail) and perishable food work premises.
A summary of recent changes is included in the Introduction to this Advice. The Summary of Required Risk Controls has been updated to reflect the amended requirements.
Workers who are required to isolate or quarantine due to COVID-19 may be entitled to receive hardship payments.