Ai Group’s National Workplace Relations Policy and Advocacy Team represents the interests of Ai Group Members through: 

  • Writing submissions and appearing in major cases in the Fair Work Commission and Courts;
  • Pursuing appeals and other cases in Tribunals and Courts on issues of importance to Ai Group Members;
  • Representing Members interests in modern award cases and reviews;
  • Keeping Ai Group Members informed and involved in workplace relations developments;
  • Providing forums for Ai Group Members to share information on best practice workplace relations approaches, and to influence developments, e.g. through Ai Group’s PIR (Policy-Influence-Reform) Forum;
  • Developing policy proposals for necessary reforms to workplace relations laws;
  • Making representations to Government and Opposition parties in support of a more productive and flexible workplace relations system;
  • Leading and influencing the workplace relations policy agenda;
  • Writing submissions and appearing in numerous inquiries and reviews carried out by a wide range of bodies including Parliamentary Committees, the Productivity Commission, the Australian Human Rights Commission, the Australian Law Reform Commission, and others; and
  • Opposing union campaigns on issues which would be damaging to competitiveness and productivity. 

Ai Group welcomes and values our Members’ input and support. 

Get in touch on 1300 55 66 77 or email 

PIR (Policy-Influence-Reform) Forum

Once a year Ai Group hosts a two-day conference in Canberra for HR professionals who are members of our exclusive PIR (Policy-Influence-Reform) Group. These PIR conferences are "don't miss" events. Conference participants can hear from Government ministers, opposition and regulators on current issues as well get the latest updates from experts in employment law, IR, HR, skills development and economics. 

The PIR conferences manage to strike just the right balance between formal presentations, interactive workshop and networking sessions with high profile guest speakers. Members of PIR pay a separate annual fee which entitles them to attend these conferences at very competitive rates. 


Diversity & Inclusion Exchange

Ai Group's Diversity and Inclusion Exchange is a member-driven network designed to share leading diversity approaches and strategies and to discuss emerging policy issues. Due to Ai Group's broad membership, we are able to facilitate the sharing of ideas and initiatives by companies across different industries, and to collectively build greater strategic thinking about more inclusive and innovative workplaces. 



Need help?

Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you.

The Workplace Advice Line is Ai Group’s national telephone advisory service for all your on the spot workplace related questions.

Call the Workplace Advice Line
1300 55 66 77 and press option 1
(Overseas: +61 3 9867 0100)

Weekdays from 8.30am to 5.30pm
(Australian Eastern Daylight/Standard Time)